Sunday 26 November 2006

Walking, just walking...

walked the road i wish i didnt have to walk again...and i walked it yesterday...but this time around i had a frend and his secrets to accompany me...i felt him like i felt the wind on my cold yet so warm....thanks for being there, i know you always will be...i cant be what u want me to be...i just hope u stay content with what i always will be...i hope i am like this forever...hope u arent, though...anyway...chao!


Anonymous said...

hey I jus wanna say that I love u as a friend and u dont need to change I am sorry if I hurt you

CyaNoir said...

hey....walking, huh?? wish i cud do tht...just walk, not to a destination in particular...walk, and then get to the place i want to go...not knowing its whr i wanna go, but unexpectedly getting there...did that make sense?