It’s been raining bad poetry
All through the night.
It kept me up
And I could not
Hear anything else.
I look and I see,
Infancy, or
A photograph, decade old
Cat’s eyes.
Then you gazing into
The yellow
The white
The black
With one eye closed,
Or open,
I can’t tell.
Your messages
That took from me.
I want it all
Or nothing,
Nothing for now.
Just a few days, live
Only a few miles, try
Temporariness is a funny thing if you think otherwise.
It goes on and on
Like the word itself.
Lonely word.
much like striaght feelings..whatever you have faced....but too well said..
Just a few days, live Only a few miles............
Absolutely prfect.
I read over 8 times already. =)
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