She called me from her window yesterday while i was sitting with frends surrounding and a teacup in my hand, i was thinking of her only...she was writing her name on her frosty window...how i wish i was there...i would write mine too...
iam afraid she would read this and she would know in her head, my my hurt wont change her and she would stay the same...i could care more but its ok...iam not in love and for the first time iam glad...i like everything about her...how she moves in slow motion...nothing would ever change for the rest of my life but iam learning to live with it...
under the tree with the wind blowing...she is shaking from head to toe...got drunk once but is ok now...iam gettin high on my own supply but damn do i miss her like nuts...driving me insane yes she is...ive nevr felt this before or maybe i have and have forgotten it...or maybe i have just not in the same way...
oh man ure gonna try everything which aint too dangerous for ya aint ya?
anyway its ok...iam glad she is happy...and a frend is ecstatic...so i couldnt ask for more...its freezing here...but there...it would be so hot...i cannot be where she is...but we will meet again..in my head ure already there...dont waste ur time on me.
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