Sunday, 4 February 2007


I run, chasing shadows
In your empty corridors,
Transcending off into the light.
And they say I’m okay
But I seem a little lonely
As I sing for you tonight…

You’re someone who doesn’t belong here
Maybe you should choose
A road for yourself, now.
But if you seem lost, love
Remember, I am your eternal guide.

So come on, pick up that razor
Shed your skin at last.
Know for sure, that here,
Everything is slow,
But time goes by fast.

I run chasing dreams
In your empty halls.
And I find you in my sight
Even if it may cost my soul,
I’ll sing free for you, tonight.

1 comment:

Udita Banerjee said...

there is somethn in this dat makes u actually want to take up a razor.... and in dat lies the success of the poem...